Someone explain to me when William turned form this cute little baby…
…into this handsome little boy?
Lent: Lance and I decided to observe lent this year. First time ever. We picked what may be one of the hardest things to give up - sweets! My definition of sweets was cakes, cookies, brownies, any pastries, and ice cream. It's HARD! I will get a random craving for a coke float or one of my yummy brownies, only to realize that they are on the black list until Easter. The down side is that I catch myself trying to fill the craving with other foods - trying to keep it healthy - but I think I end up eating more than I would have had I just had a bite of a flippin' sweet! Lance also took out snacking in general. Yeah right, like I could have done that. I also gave up something else, but I will save that for a post Easter post. :)
Charlie: Charlie bear is just as amazing as ever. He's 17 weeks old today and just a barrel of laughs. He's trying to roll from his back to belly. He's kind of given up on rolling from his belly to his back unless there's nothing else to do. He'd rather spend tummy time chewing on his hands or blanket and squealing with delight. He LOVES to sit up and stand. I will lay him on his back and he will throw his hands out for me to hold them and then he immediately pulls into a crunch. He's so strong, and I can't believe he's growing so fast. He's also obsessed with his jumper, and will spend the majority of his time in it jumping from left foot to right over and over. I try not to compare him to William's development at the same age, but he seems to be a little more motivated to get things done. Maybe it's his rosy little disposition. The main difference is that he's about 4 lbs. lighter than William was at the same age. Charlie is about 13.5-14lbs. William was 18.2 at his 4mo. checkup.
Charlie is a professional thumb sucker.
Life: Life in general is going pretty well right now. I'm trying to gradually step up my exercising and proper eating. I've been meal planning for about a month to get used to the habit of doing it. Now I'm slowly cutting out some of the carbs in the meals and adding more veggies. Lance hasn't complained, so that's a good sign. I'm actually starting to enjoy cooking. I still like baking more, but giving sweets up for Lent has allowed me to redirect that passion into figuring out this cooking thing. I may rejoin the gym I was using before I got pregnant. It was only $10 a month and it's very close to the house. The only problem is that I'll probably have to go at 6:00am since Lance doesn't get home from work until 7:30. At that time, I'd rather veg out than work out. Also, working out at that time gets my energy pumping way too much and it's like I took 15 espresso shots (no sleep for me!).
This proves that William shared the same shock expression that Charlie loves to give.
This is both boys (Charlie in blue, William in red) at about the same age.
You can tell that William had a much chunkier face.
Their hair color also looks a bit similar, but William's is much more orange-red where Charlie is auburn-red.
Hope you enjoyed this long-overdue post. The pictures even made me happy enough that I decided not to post a mini-vent session I've had on my mind. :)
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