Thursday, May 20, 2010

Horrible at blogging.

I did our first blog almost two months ago with the intention of making it a regular occurrance.  Yeah, I did a really good job with that!  We have a good reason though.  We'll be three months pregnant this Saturday!  Between finishing the semester and battling nausea/dizziness, life is interesting.  This will be extremely brief, but I will definitely try.  Lance wants to keep baby bump pictures, so maybe I'll get brave and post those.

Until next time and with love,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello blog world!

After reading several of my friends' blogs, I decided that the time had come for everyone to b able to receive updates on the lovely life of the Glover family.  I promise to make every attempt to keep a regular schedule of posting blogs - although it may serve as nothing more but a journal for us. :)  Right now, it is serving a wonderful purpose of procrastinating!  I'm staring at the minimized tab of the paper I should be writing, but I'm much more compelled to create this little page. 

I realized today that Lance and I have been married almost 9 months.  It's amazing how fast time flies once you have the dream that answered all of your prayers.  We have had a busy near first year of marriage.  It has been filled with home renovations and my return to graduate school.  It's surprisingly simple to live of a single income if you plan things very well.  That being said, I look forward to the day in which I'll have a full time job again.  I actually look forward to a lot of things that are being held in the future.  Babies, career, and enjoying a full family life are yet-to-be-answered prayers.  That is all in God's hands, so I have no worries.

Well, time to get back to school work.  Be well, friends!